In this chapter we will work with strings. Qt4 has a QString class for working
with strings. It is very powerful and has numerous methods.
The QString class provides a Unicode character string. It stores a string as 16-bit QChars. Each QChar corresponds to one Unicode 4.0 character. Unlike strings in many other programming languages, a QString can be modified.
The QString class provides a Unicode character string. It stores a string as 16-bit QChars. Each QChar corresponds to one Unicode 4.0 character. Unlike strings in many other programming languages, a QString can be modified.
First example
In the first example, we will work with a few basic methods of the QString class.
#include <QTextStream> int main(void) { QTextStream out(stdout); QString a = "love"; a.append(" chess"); a.prepend("I "); out << a << endl; out << "The a string has " << a.count() << " characters" << endl; out << a.toUpper() << endl; out << a.toLower() << endl; return 0; }In the code example, we initiate a QString. We append and prepend some additional text. We print the length of the string. Finally, we print the modified string in upper and lower case.
QString a = "love";A
is initiated.
a.append(" chess"); a.prepend("I ");We append and prepend text to the initial string. The string is modified in-place.
out << a << endl;'I love chess' is printed to the terminal.
out << "The a string has " << a.count() << " characters" << endl;The
method returns the number of characters
in the string. The length()
and size()
methods are equivalents.
out << a.toUpper() << endl; out << a.toLower() << endl;These two methods return an uppercase and lowercase copy of the string. They do not modify the string, they return a new modified copy of the string.
$ ./basic I love chess The a string has 12 characters I LOVE CHESS i love chess
Initiating strings
A QString can be initiated in several ways.
#include <QTextStream> int main(void) { QTextStream out(stdout); QString str1 = "The night train"; out << str1 << endl; QString str2("A yellow rose"); out << str2 << endl; std::string s1 = "A blue sky"; QString str3 = s1.c_str(); out << str3 << endl; std::string s2 = "A thick fog"; QString str4 = QString::fromAscii(, s2.size()); out << str4 << endl; char s3[] = "A deep forest"; QString str5(s3); out << str5 << endl; return 0; }We present five ways of initiating a QString.
QString str1 = "The night train";This is a traditional way of initiating a string in computer languages.
QString str2("A yellow rose");This is an object way of initiating a QString.
std::string s1 = "A blue sky"; QString str3 = s1.c_str();We have a string object from the C++ standard library. We use its
method to generate a null-terminated sequence
of characters. This array of characters, a classic C representation of a string,
can be assigned to a QString variable.
std::string s2 = "A thick fog"; QString str4 = QString::fromAscii(, s2.size());In these code lines we convert a standard C++ string to a QString. We utilize the
method. It takes a pointer to the
an array of characters. The pointer is returned with the data()
method of the std::string. The second parameter is the the size of the
char s3[] = "A deep forest"; QString str5(s3);This is a C string. It is an array of chars. One of the QString constructors can take an array of chars as a parameter.
$ ./init The night train A yellow rose A blue sky A thick fog A deep forest
Accessing string elements
A QString is a sequence of QChars. The elements of a string can be accessed using the [] operator or theat()
#include <QTextStream> int main(void) { QTextStream out(stdout); QString a = "Eagle"; out << a[0] << endl; out << a[4] << endl; out << << endl; if ( { out << "Outside the range of the string" << endl; } return 0; }We print some individual characters from a specific QString.
out << a[0] << endl; out << a[4] << endl;We print the first and the fifth element of a string.
out << << endl;With the
method, we retrieve the first
character of the string.
if ( { out << "Outside the range of the string" << endl; }The
method returns null, if we are trying to access
a character outside the range of string characters.
$ ./access E e E Outside the range of the string
The string length
There are three methods to get the length of a string. Thesize()
, the count()
and the
method. All do the same thing. They return the
number of characters in the specified string.
#include <QTextStream> int main() { QTextStream out(stdout); QString s1 = "Eagle"; QString s2 = "Eagle\n"; QString s3 = "Eagle "; QString s4 = "орел"; out << s1.length() << endl; out << s2.length() << endl; out << s3.length() << endl; out << s4.length() << endl; return 0; }We get the size of four strings.
QString s2 = "Eagle\n"; QString s3 = "Eagle ";Each of these two strings has a white character.
QString s4 = "орел";This string consists of russian letters.
$ ./length 5 6 6 8From the output we can see, that the
method counts
the white characters too. The last string contains unicode letters, where each
letter is stored as two characters.
String interpolation
String interpolation is a dynamic building of strings. It allows us to replace specific control characters with actual values. We use thearg()
method to do the interpolation.
#include <QTextStream> int main() { QTextStream out(stdout); QString s1 = "There are %1 white roses"; int n = 12; out << s1.arg(n) << endl; QString s2 = "The tree is %1m high"; double h = 5.65; out << s2.arg(h) << endl; QString s3 = "We have %1 lemons and %2 oranges"; int ln = 12; int on = 4; out << s3.arg(ln).arg(on) << endl; return 0; }The markers which are going to be replaced begin with the % character. The following character is a number specifying the argument. There can be multiple of arguments for a string. The
is overloaded, it can take integers, long numbers, chars, QChars among others.
QString s1 = "There are %1 white roses"; int n = 12;The %1 is the marker which we plan to replace. We have defined one integer.
out << s1.arg(n) << endl;The
method takes an integer. The %1 marker is replaced with
the value of the n variable.
QString s2 = "The tree is %1m high"; double h = 5.65; out << s2.arg(h) << endl;These three lines do the same thing for a double number. The correct
method is called automatically.
QString s3 = "We have %1 lemons and %2 oranges"; int ln = 12; int on = 4; out << s3.arg(ln).arg(on) << endl;We can have multiple control characters. The %1 refers to the first argument, the %2 to the second. The
methods are called
in a consecutive chain.
$ ./interpolation There are 12 white roses The tree is 5.65m high We have 12 lemons and 4 oranges
When doing text processing, we need to find substrings of normal strings. We haveleft()
, mid()
and right()
at our disposal.
#include <QTextStream> int main(void) { QTextStream out(stdout); QString str = "The night train"; out << str.right(5) << endl; out << str.left(9) << endl; out << str.mid(4, 5) << endl; QString str2("The big apple"); QStringRef sub(&str2, 0, 7); out << sub.toString() << endl; return 0; }We will use all three methods to find some substrings of a given string.
out << str.right(5) << endl;With the
method, we get the 5 rightmost characters
of the str string. The 'train' is printed.
out << str.left(9) << endl;With the
method, we get the 9 leftmost characters
of the str string. The 'The night' is printed.
out << str.mid(4, 5) << endl;With the
method, we get 5 characters starting from
position 4. The 'night' is printed.
QString str2("The big apple"); QStringRef sub(&str2, 0, 7);The
class is a read-only version of a QString.
Here we create a QStringRef
of a portion of the str2 string.
The second parameter is the position and the third is the length of the
$ ./substrings train The night night The big
Looping through strings
A QString consists of QChars. We can loop through the QString to access each element of a string.
#include <QTextStream> int main(void) { QTextStream out(stdout); QString str = "There are many stars."; foreach (QChar qc, str) { out << qc << " "; } out << endl; for (QChar *it=str.begin(); it!=str.end(); ++it) { out << *it << " " ; } out << endl; for (int i = 0; i < str.size(); ++i) { out << << " "; } out << endl; return 0; }We show three ways to go through a QString. We add a space character between the letters as we print them to the terminal.
foreach (QChar qc, str) { out << qc << " "; }The
keyword is a Qt extension to the C++ language.
The first parameter of the keyword is the string element, the second one
is the string.
for (QChar *it=str.begin(); it!=str.end(); ++it) { out << *it << " " ; }In this code, we use iterators to go through the string.
for (int i = 0; i < str.size(); ++i) { out << << " "; }We compute the size of the string and use the
method to access the
string elements.
$ ./looping T h e r e a r e m a n y s t a r s . T h e r e a r e m a n y s t a r s . T h e r e a r e m a n y s t a r s .
String comparison
static method is used to compare two strings.
The method returns an integer. If the returned value is less than zero, the first
string is less than the second. If it returns zero, both strings are equal. Finally,
if the returned value is greater than zero, the first string is greater than the
second. By 'less' we mean that a specific character of a string is positioned before
the other one in the character table. Strings are compared the following way.
The first characters of the two strings are compared. If they are equal, the following
two characters are compared. Until we find some characters that differ or we find
that all characters match.
#include <QTextStream> #define STR_EQUAL 0 int main(void) { QTextStream out(stdout); QString a = "Rain"; QString b = "rain"; QString c = "rain\n"; if (QString::compare(a, b) == STR_EQUAL) { out << "a, b are equal" << endl; } else { out << "a, b are not equal" << endl; } out << "In case insensitive comparison:" << endl; if (QString::compare(a, b, Qt::CaseInsensitive) == STR_EQUAL) { out << "a, b are equal" << endl; } else { out << "a, b are not equal" << endl; } if (QString::compare(b, c) == STR_EQUAL) { out << "b, c are equal" << endl; } else { out << "b, c are not equal" << endl; } c.chop(1); out << "After removing the new line character" << endl; if (QString::compare(b, c) == STR_EQUAL) { out << "b, c are equal" << endl; } else { out << "b, c are not equal" << endl; } return 0; }We will do case sensitive and case insensitive comparison with the
#define STR_EQUAL 0For better code clarity, we define the STR_EQUAL constant.
QString a = "Rain"; QString b = "rain"; QString c = "rain\n";We will be comparing these three strings.
if (QString::compare(a, b) == STR_EQUAL) { out << "a, b are equal" << endl; } else { out << "a, b are not equal" << endl; }We compare the a and b strings. The strings are not equal. They differ in the first character.
if (QString::compare(a, b, Qt::CaseInsensitive) == STR_EQUAL) { out << "a, b are equal" << endl; } else { out << "a, b are not equal" << endl; }In case of case insensitive comparison, the strings are equal. The
makes the comparison case insensitive.
method removes the last character from the c string.
Now the b, c strings are equal.
$ ./comparing a, b are not equal In case insensitive comparison: a, b are equal b, c are not equal After removing the new line character b, c are equal
Converting strings
Strings often need to be converted to other data types. And vice versa. ThetoInt()
, toFloat()
, toLong()
are three QString methods which convert a string to an integer, float and
long number. (There are more such methods.) The setNum()
converts various numeric data types to a string. The method is overloaded
and the correct one is called automatically.
#include <QTextStream> int main(void) { QTextStream out(stdout); QString s1 = "12"; QString s2 = "15"; QString s3, s4; out << s1.toInt() + s2.toInt() << endl; int n1 = 30; int n2 = 40; out << s3.setNum(n1) + s4.setNum(n2) << endl; return 0; }In the example we convert two strings to integers and add them. Then we convert two integers to strings and concatenate them.
out << s1.toInt() + s2.toInt() << endl;The
method converts a string to an integer. We add
two numbers converted froms strings.
out << s3.setNum(n1) + s4.setNum(n2) << endl;In this case the
method converts an integer to
a string. We concatenate two strings.
$ ./converts 27 3040
Characters are divided into various categories. Digits, letters, spaces or punctuation characters. Each QString consists of QChars. The QChar has theisDigit()
, isLetter()
, isSpace()
method to perform the job.
#include <QTextStream> int main(void) { QTextStream out(stdout); int digits = 0; int letters = 0; int spaces = 0; int puncts = 0; QString str = "7 white, 3 red roses."; foreach(QChar s, str) { if (s.isDigit()) { digits++; } else if (s.isLetter()) { letters++; } else if (s.isSpace()) { spaces++; } else if (s.isPunct()) { puncts++; } } out << QString("There are %1 characters").arg(str.count()) << endl; out << QString("There are %1 letters").arg(letters) << endl; out << QString("There are %1 digits").arg(digits) << endl; out << QString("There are %1 spaces").arg(spaces) << endl; out << QString("There are %1 punctuation characters").arg(puncts) << endl; return 0; }In the example we define a simple sentence. We will count the number of digits, letters, spaces and punctuation characters in the sentence.
int digits = 0; int letters = 0; int spaces = 0; int puncts = 0;We define an integer variable for each character category.
QString str = "7 white, 3 red roses.";This is the sentence to be examined.
foreach(QChar s, str) { if (s.isDigit()) { digits++; } else if (s.isLetter()) { letters++; } else if (s.isSpace()) { spaces++; } else if (s.isPunct()) { puncts++; } }We use the foreach keyword to go through the QString. Each of the elements is a QChar. We use the methods of the QChar class to determine the categories of characters.
out << QString("There are %1 characters").arg(str.count()) << endl; out << QString("There are %1 letters").arg(letters) << endl; out << QString("There are %1 digits").arg(digits) << endl; out << QString("There are %1 spaces").arg(spaces) << endl; out << QString("There are %1 punctuation characters").arg(puncts) << endl;Using the string interpolation, we print the numbers to the terminal.
$ ./letters There are 21 characters There are 13 letters There are 2 digits There are 4 spaces There are 2 punctuation characters
Modifying strings
Some methods (for example toLower() method) return a new modified copy of an original string. Other methods modify the string in-place. We will present some of them.
#include <QTextStream> int main(void) { QTextStream out(stdout); QString str = "Lovely"; str.append(" season"); out << str << endl; str.remove(10, 3); out << str << endl; str.replace(7, 3, "girl"); out << str << endl; str.clear(); if (str.isEmpty()) { out << "The string is empty" << endl; } return 0; }We describe four methods that modify a string in-place.
str.append(" season");The
method adds a new string at the end
of the string.
str.remove(10, 3);The
method removes 3 characters from the string,
starting from position 10.
str.replace(7, 3, "girl");The
method replaces 3 characters beginning at position 7
with the specified string.
method clears the string.
$ ./modify Lovely season Lovely sea Lovely girl The string is emptyIn this chapter, we have worked with strings in Qt4.
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